The documentary film “Birmingham: A City Rooted in Talent”, produced by Contrary Trees Productions LTD, has blossomed into an extraordinary epic endeavor. It celebrates the remarkable talent that has flourished in Birmingham over several decades. The project features over forty five local celebrities, spanning a rich tapestry of five decades. Among the luminaries captured in this cinematic tribute are members of iconic bands like Black Sabbath, ELO, Quill, Dexys Midnight Runners, Steel Pulse, Fuzzbox, and many more. Their collective achievements have woven a vibrant and diverse cultural fabric, firmly rooted in the heart of this dynamic city.
Birmingham Celebrities-These glimpses of fame and creativity serve as a testament to Birmingham’s enduring legacy as a fertile ground for artistic expression and innovation.
We have the best crew and our camera man, Dan Hunt, is the ultimate professional and worked on tv projects and more for over a decade. The guy knows his stuff and Contrary Trees are blessed to have him for this project.
Many of our Birmingham muscians were filmed at the iconic site the RUM RUNNER, a place that many of them know well. It seemed fitting that this location was a must location for the documentary film. Pictured below is the one and only Bev Bevan with his wife Joy Bevan. Bev is such a huge part of Birmingham's iconic music scene over the decades known for (ELO, The Move, Black Sabbath) and now QUILL. An incredibly humble person and a delight to interview. Joy Bevan is a diamond and very talented.
Pictured below is a behind the scenes image of D.G. Torrens & Martin Tracey (co directors and co owners of Contrary Trees Productions) interviewing the wonderful Maggie K de Monde.
Contrary Trees Productions had the great pleasure of interviewing icon soul singer Ruby Turner (pictured below). Ruby was due on stage at the Symphony Hall with Jools Holland just a couple of hours later!
As well as musicians, we also have a huge selection of Birmingham creatives involved in our film. Pictured below is Gavin Monaghan (music producer) and Budd (DJ) with Des Tong (Sad Cafe band) with the film directors, D.G. Torrens & Martin Tracey.
Birmingham has produced many great footballers including Garry Thompson pictured below being interviewed for our documentary. Garry has recently published a book so go check it out!
Co director D.G. Torrens pictured below!
Co director Martin Tracey pictured below
The 1982 Aston Villa footballers dream team pictured below: This was such a fun interview...
Joan Armatrading has sent in a video message for the film - it was a lovely message for Birmimgham. This Birmingham icon is a legend!
Fuzzbox 80s band pictured below were an absolute joy to interview, filled with positive energy that radiated through the Rum Runner!
Maggie K de Monde (Swan's Way/Scarlett Fantastic) and the narrator for this documentary film. A formidable woman, great singer and massive talent. Contrary Trees Productions are extremely blessed to have her on board!
Soul singer Cissy Stone pictured below another great singer interviewed for the documentary.
Pictured below is Micky Billingham (Dexy's Midnight Runners) A great guy and a true delight to interview.
We have so many more familiar faces, from authors, deejays, journalists, radio host, artists and more that it was impossible to include them all in one post. I will be publishing a second post with more great talent included in this epic Birmingham Journey that is: Birmingham A City Rooted in Talent - documentary film. So stay tuned...